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Exercises 22.8 Practice Exercises

Exercise Group.

Day One


For each given key, list the five closely-related keys.
  1. Dโ™ญ:
  1. d: F, g, a, Bโ™ญ, C
  2. Dโ™ญ: eโ™ญ, f, Gโ™ญ, Aโ™ญ, bโ™ญ
  3. f: Aโ™ญ, bโ™ญ, c, Dโ™ญ, Eโ™ญ


For each progression, analyze the Roman numerals with lead-sheet symbols and specify the second key.


For this excerpt from Beethovenโ€™s "Maigesang," do the following:
  • Analyze the harmonies with Roman numerals below and lead-sheet symbols above
  • Determine where the pivot chords occur and use a pivot bracket to show the Roman numerals in both keys (specify both keys)
  • Label cadences
  • Name the form of the excerpt
Figure 22.8.1. Beethoven, Eight Songs, Op. 52, No. 4, "Maigesang" (1805)

Exercise Group.

Day Two


Borrowed Chord Modulation. List the closely related keys to the starting major key, then specify the parallel minor key and its closely related keys.


For each progression, analyze the Roman numerals with lead-sheet symbols and specify the second key.


For this excerpt from Elton Johnโ€™s โ€œGoodbye Yellow Brick Road,โ€ do the following:
  • Analyze the harmonies with Roman numerals (the lead sheet symbols are done for you)
  • Determine where to pivot into and out of Aโ™ญ major, using pivot brackets to show the Roman numerals in both keys
Figure 22.8.2. Elton John, โ€œGoodbye Yellow Brick Roadโ€ (1973)

Exercise Group.

Day Three


Determining Diatonic Common Chords. For each of the two keys in each example, list the diatonic chords as lead-sheet symbols and as Roman numerals then circle those diatonic to both keys

Exercise Group.

Day Four


List the four chromatic mediants for each chord.
  1. Dโ™ญ:
  2. Gโ™ฏm:
  1. Fm: Am, Aโ™ญm, Dm, Dโ™ญm
  2. Dโ™ญ: Fโ™ญ, F, Bโ™ญ, B๐„ซ (or A, enharmonically)
  3. G: Bโ™ญ, B, E, Eโ™ญ
  4. Gโ™ฏm: Bm, Bโ™ฏm, Em, Eโ™ฏm

Exercise Group.

Day Five


Analyze with lead-sheet symbols, motives (with numbers, noting melodic alteration when it occurs), Roman numerals, and harmonic function.
Figure 22.8.3.
Compose an eight-measure example using the motivic structure and harmonic function in the example above. Create a new melody with new motives but the same sequence of motives. You may use a different time signature, mode, and accompanimental texture.
PDF versions of the textbook, homework exercises, and practice exercises can be found at musictheory.pugetsound.eduโ€‰7โ€‰