In this chapter and the next, we will study tonicization, which means treating a chord other than the I chord like a tonic by approaching it with its dominant. In diatonic harmony, the V chord (the dominant) resolves to the I chord (the tonic). A secondary dominant is a major triad or dominant seventh chord that resolves to (or tonicizes) a chord other than the I chord.
You may find that you want to analyze the DF in the example above as a II instead of a VV (which we pronounce as “VofV”), and the EG as a III instead of Vvi (“Vofvi”). Notice, however, that a ii chord is typically minor in a major key and diminished in a minor key (ii), making uppercase II a chromatic harmony for which the proper label is VV.
While labeling D as II in C major makes the root clear, it does not communicate the function of the D, which is to progress to a G major chord (the V chord, or the dominant in C major).
Also, notice that vii is not tonicized with its secondary dominant in the example above. Listen to the following example to understand why diminished chords such as vii and ii in minor are not tonicized.