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Section 17.3 Secondary Dominants in Major and Minor

Both major triads and major–minor seventh chords can be secondary dominant chords.
Figure 17.3.1. Secondary Dominant Triads in Major
Figure 17.3.2. Secondary Dominant Seventh Chords in Major
Notice the chromaticisms in the example above. The raised notes generally act as the leading–tone to the root of the chord being tonicized. In the major mode, the only secondary dominant with a lowered chromaticism is V7/IV. The lowered note in V7/IV acts as 4^ of the chord being tonicized in the same way the last flat of a key signature is 4^.
Below are all secondary dominant chords (triads and major-minor seventh chords) in the minor mode.
Figure 17.3.3. Secondary Dominant Triads in Minor
Figure 17.3.4. Secondary Dominant Seventh Chords in Minor
Remember that both vii (on raised 7^) and the subtonic VII (on the lowered 7^) (see Definition 7.3.2) occur in the minor mode. The subtonic VII can be tonicized with V7/VII, while vii, being diminished, cannot.
Notice that an F major chord in C minor can be V/VII or IV, depending on how it functions or progresses. If the F major chord progresses to a B♭ chord, label the F chord as V/VII. If the F major chord has pre–dominant function and progresses to a G major chord (in any inversion) or B, label the F chord as IV.
The B7 chord, on the other hand, can be labeled correctly as V7/III or VII7 because both V7/III or VII7 progress to III in minor.