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Section 16.2 Figured Bass Inversion Symbols

Following are the figured bass inversion symbols most commonly used for triads and seventh chords. (Remember that figured bass numbers represent intervals above the bass note within the key signature.)
Figure 16.2.1. Figured Bass Inversion Symbols for Triads
Figure 16.2.2. Figured Bass Inversion Symbols for Seventh Chords
Unlike original figured bass notation in the Baroque era, in music theory courses, figured bass inversion symbols are placed after Roman numerals.
Compare figured bass symbols to the modified slash notation we have been using in previous chapters.
Figure 16.2.3. Roman Numerals with Figured Bass versus Roman Numerals with Modifed Slash Notation
Because the figures 56, 34, and 24 are only used for seventh chords, the “7” is omitted when labeling inverted seventh chords.
Figure 16.2.4. “7” is not included when 7th chords are inverted
Notice that it is essential with seventh chords to include symbols like “M” (for a major seventh chord) and and ø before the figured bass numbers and after the Roman numeral.
Figure 16.2.5.