Exercises 9.9 Practice Exercises
Day One.
Write the circle of fifths progression in the following keys with root position triads. Label Roman numerals below and lead-sheet symbols above.
In F major:
1. F-A-C
2. IV = B♭-D-F
3. viiº = E-G-B♭
4. iii = A-C-E
5. vi = D-F-A
6. ii = G-B♭-D
7. V = C-E-G
8. F-A-C
In B minor:
1. B-D-F♯
2. iv = E-G-B
3. VII = A-C♯-E
4. III = D-F♯-A
5. VI = G-B-D
6. iiº = C♯-E-G
7. V = F♯-A♯-C♯
8. B-D-F♯
Review. Write the following intervals above the given note.
Answer.1. A𝄫, 2. A♯, 3. D, 4. C♯, 5. G, 6. G
Review. Given the lead-sheet symbol and key, write the key signature, triad or seventh chord, and Roman numeral.
1. 4 flats in key signature, iv, B♭-D♭-F
2. 3 sharps in key signature, IV, D-F♯-A
3. 3 flats in key signature, iiº/3rd, F-A♭-D
4. 4 sharps in key signature, vi, C♯-E-G♯
5. 2 flats in signature, viiº7, F♯-A-C-E♭
6. 5 sharps in key signature, V7/5th, C♯-E-F♯-A♯
7. 1 flat in key signature, i/3rd, F-A-D
8. 1 flat in key signature, iii, A-C-E
Review. Correct the rhythmic notation of the following example.
Exercise Group.
For each cadence, label the chord(s) involved.
Half Cadence = |
Deceptive Cadence = |
Plagal Cadence = |
Authentic Cadence = |
HC = V
DC = V-vi
AC = V-I
Analyze the following progressions with lead-sheet symbols above and Roman numerals below.
In F major: |
In E major: |
1. F, I |
1. C♯m, vi |
2. Dm, vi |
2. A, IV |
3. Gm/B♭, ii/3rd |
3. E, I |
4. C, V |
4. B, V |
For the progression, do the following:
Given the Roman numerals, write the triads or seventh chords
Analyze the harmonies with lead-sheet symbols above the staff
Analyze the harmonic function of each harmony using the abbreviations “ton.” for tonic function, “dom.” for dominant function, “pre-dom.” for pre-dominant function, and “ton. prol.” for tonic prolongation function
Specify the cadence that ends the progression