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Exercises 34.7 Practice Exercises

Exercise Group.

Serialism: Day One


Given the prime form of the twelve-tone row in pitch integers, write the specified row forms in the staves below.
  1. P1
  2. R4
  3. I8
  4. RI10


Given the prime form of a twelve-tone row, label the row forms and transpositions of the permutations given on the staves below.
  1. Row form:
  2. Row form:
  3. Row form:
  1. RI10
  2. I1
  3. R5

Exercise Group.

Serialism: Day Two


Construct a 12 by 12 matrix for the prime form of the following twelve-tone row, given in pitch integers: 3, 7, 11, 1, 5, 0, 2, 10, 6, 4, 8, 9. Include labels for all row forms including all transposition levels (P0, R3, I8, RI6, etc.). Use note names in the matrix, not integers.
Table 34.7.1.
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
P ←R
Table 34.7.2. Twelve-Tone Matrix
I3 I7 I11 I1 I5 I0 I2 I10 I6 I4 I8 I9
P3 E♭ G B C♯ F C D B♭ G♭ E G♯ A ←R3
P11 B D♯ G A C♯ G♯ A♯ F♯ D C E F ←R11
P7 G B D♯ F A E F♯ D B♭ A♭ C D♭ ←R7
P5 F A C♯ E♭ G D E C A♭ G♭ B♭ B ←R5
P1 D♭ F A B E♭ B♭ C A♭ E D G♭ G ←R1
P6 G♭ B♭ D E A♭ E♭ F D♭ A G B C ←R6
P4 E G♯ C D G♭ D♭ E♭ B G F A B♭ ←R4
P8 A♭ C E G♭ B♭ F G E♭ B A D♭ D ←R8
P0 C E A♭ B♭ D A B G E♭ D♭ F G♭ ←R0
P2 D F♯ A♯ C E B D♭ A F E♭ G A♭ ←R2
P10 B♭ D G♭ A♭ C G A F D♭ B D♯ E ←R10
P9 A C♯ F G B F♯ A♭ E C B♭ D E♭ ←R9
↑RI3 ↑RI7 ↑RI11 ↑RI1 ↑RI5 ↑RI0 ↑RI2 ↑RI10 ↑RI6 ↑RI4 ↑RI8 ↑RI9


For the following excerpt, determine P5 and identify each row form and statement. This example contains overlap.


Referring to the twelve-tone row used to construct the matrix in the practice exercise above (3, 7, 11, 1, 5, 0, 2, 10, 6, 4, 8, 9), find the normal form and prime form for each discrete three-note set from the row, and provide an interval vector for each.
  1. Set 1: 3, 7, 11. Normal form: Prime form: Interval vector:
  2. Set 2: 1, 5, 0. Normal form: Prime form: Interval vector:
  3. Set 3: 2, 10, 6. Normal form: Prime form: Interval vector:
  4. Set 4: 4, 8, 9. Normal form: Prime form: Interval vector:
  1. Set 1: 3, 7, 11. Normal form: [3, 7, 11] Prime form: (048) Interval vector: 000300
  2. Set 2: 1, 5, 0. Normal form: [0, 1, 5] Prime form: (015) Interval vector: 100110
  3. Set 3: 2, 10, 6. Normal form: [2, 6, 10] Prime form: (048) Interval vector: 000300
  4. Set 4: 4, 8, 9. Normal form: [4, 8, 9] Prime form: (015) Interval vector: 100110