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Section 26.11 Types of Six-Four Chords

When you are harmonizing melodies and writing music, there are three situations where it is appropriate to use a 46 chord.
  1. Pedal 46
  2. Passing 46
  3. Cadential 46
The pedal 46 typically occurs in the patterns I–IV46–I or V–I46–V.
Figure 26.11.1. Examples with the Pedal Six-Four
The passing 46 typically occurs in the patterns I–V46–I6 (or its retrograde) and IV–I46–IV6 (or its retrograde).
Figure 26.11.2. Examples with the Passing Six-Four
In an earlier section we discussed the Cadential 46 chord. Please refer to that section to review the cadential 46 chord.