Section 19.1 Mode Mixture
Mode mixture typically consists of borrowing chords from the parallel minor during a passage in a major key. “Borrowed chords” refers to borrowing chords from minor and is synonymous with mode mixture. In the examples that follow, notice the lowered chromaticisms—♭ is most common but ♭ and ♭ also occur in borrowed chords.
Notice the emotional effect of switching to the minor mode.
A famous example that progresses from the major chord immediately to the minor chord is Richard Strauss’s Also Sprach Zarathustra.
Later during the opening of Also Sprach Zarathustra, another borrowed chord occurs.
This same bass line can be found (in the same harmonic rhythm) in “Part of Your World.”
Mode mixture is also found in the music of the band Nirvana.
In the example above for “Lithium,” the Roman numerals are analyzed as triads instead of “5” chords because the third of the chord is either implied or occurs in the voice part (not shown).
In the next example from the third movement Brahms’s Third Symphony, the chord alternates twice with a borrowed chord. There are three flats in the key signature because this movement began in C minor, but this section occurs later in the movement and is in C major.
A similar alternation between the chord and a borrowed chord (♭ ) happens in “Inchworm,” from the movie Hans Christian Andersen. Notice the special quality of the borrowed ♭ in the upper melody.
A famous example of mode mixture occurs in the “Waltz of the Flowers” from Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker.
A similar melody occurs in “One Day I’ll Fly Away,” which, though it has a different harmonization, still uses mode mixture.