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Exercises 7.5 Practice Exercises


Label the following chords with lead sheet symbols (above) and Roman numerals (below).
1. Fm, ii; 2. D/F, vii/3rd; 3. A, VII; 4. G, V; 5. Bm/F, ii/5th


Given the Roman numeral and key, write the key signature, notate the triad, and label the chord with a lead-sheet symbol (above).
1. C, CEG; 2. G/D, DGB; 3. A, ACE


Label lead-sheet symbols above and Roman numerals below and analyze the type of cadence that ends the phrase.
Thomas a’Becket, “Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean”
Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved”
a. “Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean”: 1. G, I; 2. D, V; 3. G, I; 4. C, IV; 5. G, I; 6. D, V; Cadence type = Half Cadence (HC)
b. “Could You Be Loved”: 1. D, I; 2. Bm, vi; 3. G, IV; 4. D, I; Cadence type = Plagal Cadence (PC)