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Exercises 13.9 Practice Exercises

For each excerpt below, do the following:
  • Label chords with Roman numerals at the ends of phrases to determine cadences
  • Label cadences by type (PAC, IAC, HC, PC, DC)
  • Examine the motivic structure to determine if a phrase is a sentence
  • Create a diagram of the form using cadence abbreviations (HC, DC, PC, IAC, and PAC) and letters to designate melody (a, a’, b, etc.). Use the “prime” symbol (’) to show if a melody ends with a different cadence. In this chapter, the prime symbol should not be used to represent embellishment of the melody or changes in the harmonization or register.
  • Name the form of the excerpt (sentence, parallel period, contrasting period, asymmetrical period, parallel double period, repeated phrase, repeated period).

1. Mozart, “Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen,”The Magic Flute.

Figure 13.9.1.
Mozart, The Magic Flute, “Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen”:
  • Chords: IV, VI
  • Cadences: HC, PAC
  • No Sentences
  • Melodic labels: a, b
  • Form: contrasting period

2. Mozart, Piano Sonata K. 333, I.

Figure 13.9.2.
Mozart, Piano Sonata K. 333, I:
  • Chords: viiI, viV, viiI, VI
  • Cadences: IAC, HC, IAC, PAC
  • The 2nd phrase is a sentence
  • Melodic labels: a, b, a, b’
  • Form: parallel double period

3. Edmond Dédé, Chicago, Grande Valse à l’Américaine.

Figure 13.9.3.
Dédé, Chicago:
  • Chords: V,V, V, V, VI
  • Cadences: HC, HC, HC, PAC
  • The 1st and 3rd phrases are sentences
  • Melodic labels: a, a, a, a’
  • Form: parallel double period
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