Section 30.2 First Species Counterpoint
In first species, we will write note-against-note counterpoint in whole notes. You will be given a melody, called the cantus firmus (abbreviated “c.f.”), against which you will write a counterpoint.
Fux enumerates several rules to follow to write in proper sixteenth-century style (the style of Palestrina). Since this is a brief introduction to writing in species counterpoint, the rules below are slightly modified and simplified. You would likely follow stricter rules in a semester-long course in counterpoint.
Begin with an octave or unison.
- End on an octave or unison.
- Create consonant harmonic intervals in each measure (unisons, 3rds, 5ths, 6ths, and their compound versions—10ths, 12ths, 13ths, etc.). Dissonances (2nds, 4ths, 7ths) are not allowed in first species counterpoint.
- “Perfect” consonances (unisons, 5ths, 8ves, 12ths) may only be approached in contrary motion in order to avoid direct 5ths and direct 8ves (you may wish to review the Types of Motion).
- When the cantus firmus is in the upper part, write consonant intervals of a unison, 3rd, 5th, or 6th below the cantus firmus.
- Only the following leaps are allowed: 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, ascending minor sixths, and 8ves (review the Rules of Melody with regard to direction changes after leaps).
Avoid melodically outlining a tritone by changing directions at two turning points in a melody.
- Avoid repeating notes in order to create a flowing melody
Following these rules may seem dry and uninspired, but these rules come from observations of note-by-note details in Renaissance compositions by composers like Palestrina and can make any composer better and more aware of what they are writing.