Section27.4The Special Resolution of vii\(\left.\text{}^{\circ}{}^{7}\right.\) (and vii\(\left.\text{}^ø{}^{7}\right.\))
The \(\left.\text{vii}^{\circ}{}^{7}\right.\) and \(\left.\text{vii}^ø{}^{7}\right.\) chords consist entirely of tendency tones (\(\hat{7} \), \(\hat{2} \), \(\hat{4} \), \(\hat{6} \)). If one resolves all of those tendency tones correctly (\(\hat{2} \)–\(\hat{1} \), \(\hat{4} \)–\(\hat{3} \), \(\hat{6} \)–\(\hat{5} \), \(\hat{7} \)–\(\hat{8} \)), one might write parallel 5ths depending on the voicing of the \(\left.\text{vii}^{\circ}{}^{7}\right.\) and \(\left.\text{vii}^ø{}^{7}\right.\) chord. Therefore, be sure to memorize the following principle:
When the 7th of a \(\left.\text{vii}^{\circ}{}^{7}\right.\) or \(\left.\text{vii}^ø{}^{7}\right.\) chord is voiced above the 3rd of the chord, resolve the 3rd of the chord (scale degree \(\hat{2} \)) up by step while resolving all other tendency tones normally (\(\hat{4} \)–\(\hat{3} \), \(\hat{6} \)–\(\hat{5} \), \(\hat{7} \)–\(\hat{8} \)).
The third measure above shows that revoicing the chord is another solution, since parallel 4ths are not objectionable in this situation.
If the 7th of the chord is voiced below the 3rd of the chord, resolve all tendency tones normally.